Abortion of Early Pregnancy

Acne is a common symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome. It is an inflammatory skin disorder that involves interactions between hormones, hair, sebaceous (oil-secreting) glands and bacteria. Women with PCOS are susceptible, possibly due in part to excess levels of androgens (male sex hormones) in the skin. Teenagers are also susceptible to the onset of puberty due to an increase in the production of androgens. This androgen, a metabolite of testosterone, is called DHT.


What is PCOS?

In each menstrual cycle, follicles grow on the ovaries. Eggs develop within those follicles, one of which will reach maturity faster than the others and be released into the fallopian tubes. This is "ovulation". The remaining follicles will degenerate.In the case of polycystic ovaries, however, the ovaries are larger than normal, and there are a series of undeveloped follicles that appear in clumps, somewhat like a bunch of grapes. Polycystic ovaries are not especially troublesome and may not even affect your fertility.

However, when the cysts cause a hormonal imbalance, a pattern of symptoms may develop. This pattern of symptoms is called a syndrome. These symptoms are the difference between suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome and from polycystic ovaries.

So you can have polycystic ovaries without having PCOS. However, nearly all women with PCOS will have polycystic ovaries. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is the name given to a metabolic condition in which a woman will have polycystic ovaries, along with a certain pattern of other symptoms that reflect imbalances in reproductive and other hormones.

Family planning

Contraception at different phases of a women’s life

Having an unwanted and unplanned pregnancy at any age and stage of life can ruin the mental and physical health of a woman. It is always a better idea to plan a family when one is prepared for it and circumstances are suitable. There are different contraceptive methods which women or her partner can use at different phases of their lives. For a young woman who does not have any children, one of the best methods is oral contraceptive pills. Nowadays, ultra-low dose pills are available which have a fairly low quantity of hormones. These have to be started on the first day of the period and continued daily for three weeks each month. These give excellent protection from pregnancy and have other beneficial effects such as regular menses, reduction in bleeding during periods and improvement in acne.